JIYI K ++ V2 Main Control & GPS Module Installation

23.08.24 12:30 PM By Akshay Joshi

K ++ V2 main control installation

1. K ++ V2 FC diagram

2. K ++ V2 installation location requirements

1). It needs to face up, not upside down, and try to keep it parallel to the fuselage;

2). In order to obtain the best flight effect, it is recommended to install the flight control level at the center of gravity of the aircraft. If the flight control installation position is not at the center of gravity of the aircraft, please fill in the corresponding installation distance in the Basic-> Installation-> Installation Position interface in the K ++ Assistant Software;

3). The flight controller has done a good job of internal shock absorption, and try to use hard 3M glue to fix the flight controller.

3. K ++ V2installation orientation requirements

As shown in the figure, select one of the installation directions, and select the corresponding configuration in the Basic-> Installation-> IMU Direction interface in the K++ V2 Assistant Software. (The direction of the red arrow represents the head direction)

GPS module installation

1. Requirements for installation direction

As shown in the figure, select one of the installation directions, and select the corresponding configuration in the Basic-> Installation-> GPS Direction interface in the K++v2 Assistant Software. (The direction of the red arrow represents the head direction)


2. Installation location requirements

1). Elevate the GPS module as far as possible, and keep away from ESC, power wires, and motors;

2). Try to ensure flight in an open and unobstructed environment;

3). Try to avoid flying in a magnetic interference environment;

4). Do not place strong magnetic substances near the compass, otherwise permanent damage to the compass may be caused。

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