Mastering The Paladin Flight Controller For Drone Enthusiasts

23.08.24 12:30 PM By Mohit Chaudhari

What is Paladin Flight Controller ?

A flight controller is one of the most critical components in an FPV drone, responsible for stabilizing the aircraft and ensuring smooth flight maneuvers. This key element gathers data from sensors and translates the pilot's input into actions, making it vital for a precise and controlled flying experience.

Paladin Flight Controller

How Flight Controllers Work: Key Functions and Features

    • Manual flight
      • Altitude maintenance: the remote control sticks back to the center, the aircraft maintains its attitude autonomously, and the mid-throttle position can be fixed for altitude, but accurate fixed-point hovering cannot be achieved, and manual correction is required.

      High-precision fixed-point hover

      • Position retention: when the satellite signal is good: high-precision fixed-point hovering and speed limit can be achieved, the maximum flight speed can be set by the ground station, the default is 5 m/s

      Unlimited speed hovering

      • GNSS assistance: when the satellite signal is good: you can hover at a high-precision fixed point, and the remote controller can control the angle of the aircraft. The maximum angle is 35 degrees, and the default cannot be modified.

      AB point semi-autonomous work

      • Semi-autonomous mode: According to the set points A and B, semi-autonomous flight is realized. This mode depends on satellites.

Main Functions of a Flight Controller :-
    • Manual Flight Control:- The pilot has full control of the drone, managing all maneuvers manually without automated assistance.

    • Altitude Maintenance:- When the control sticks are centered, the flight controller autonomously maintains altitude, though manual corrections are needed for precise hovering.

    • High-Precision Fixed-Point Hovering:- With strong GNSS satellite signals, the flight controller can achieve accurate, stable hovering at a fixed point.

    • Position Retention:- The drone can retain its position with satellite assistance, limiting speed and allowing the maximum flight speed to be set via the ground station.

    • Unlimited Speed Hovering:- GNSS-assisted hovering allows for high-precision control with maximum angles set at 35 degrees for more versatile maneuvers.

    • AB Point Semi-Autonomous Flight:- Allows the drone to perform semi-autonomous flights between pre-set points A and B, relying on satellite data for guidance.

Specifications of GPS:-
  • Weight: 70g
  • Size: Φ7.09cm×1.41cm (±1cm)
  • Input line length (including connector): 5.12cm (±1cm)
  • Working voltage: 5V (±5%)
  • Signal line interface: molex3.0 high reliability interface (6P)

  • Weight: 28g (±2g)
  • Size: 2.9cm*2.5cm*1.4cm(±0.1cm)
  • Working voltage: 5V (±5%)
  • Signal line length (including connector): 51cm (±1cm)

Power Management module:-
  • Weight: 61g (±2g)
  • Size: 4.6cm*3.2cm*2.2cm (±0.1cm)
  • Input voltage: 6S-12S (24V-48V)
  • Output voltage: 5.2V
  • Input interface: XT60 male
  • Input line length (including connector): 20cm (±1cm)
  • Output interface: molex3.0 high reliability interface (5P);
  • Working temperature: -10℃~55℃;


Drone detection radar tracks, detects, and in some cases, classifies, drones and other small objects that traditional radar can't. Models with long-range classification help to avoid false alarms from objects like birds, and allow more time for teams to respond if the radar detects a drone. 3D technology is also particularly helpful as it makes drone detection more accurate.


Obstacle Radar -
                                 The hardware supports the selection of three obstacle avoidance radar combination schemes. front obstacle avoidance , front and rear obstacle avoidance and four way obstacle avoidance , the software supports two processing schemes obstacle avoidance hovering and obstacle avoidance detour.

Terrain Radar -

  • Height measurement range : 0.5m ~ 50m
  • Ranging accuracy : 0.1m.
  • Bean Angle : 43Deg horizontal 30Deg vertical.
  • Refresh Rate : 100HZ
  • Protection Grade : IP67
  • Temperature Grade : 20Deg - 65Deg.
  • Operating Frequency Band : 24GHz ~ 24.25GHz
  • Power supply required : 4.8W -13V - .2W

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